日本派特莱公司(PATLITE Corporation)是日本乃至世界上最大的生产多层声光报警信号灯,音声合成报警器的厂商。公司具有近40年生产该类产品的历史和经验,品种齐全、工艺先进、质量可靠,在日本占有70%以上的市场,并畅销世界各地。产品普遍使用于各种半导体加工、PCB、SMT等电子生产设备、自动化流水线、自动仓库、精密电子仪器设备、数控机床、加工中心、港口、印刷、包装、纺织、塑料等机械设备,被全球70%以上的半导体加工电子设备生产厂商所采用,具有卓绝的品质和良好的信誉
About us Since 1947 PATLITE has been at the forefront in developing and innovating various signaling products. PATLITE's extensive product range covers highly advanced LED signal towers, beacons, audible alarms, annunciators, work lights, light-bars and sirens for industrial automation, emergency vehicles and security applications. With a world wide sales and service network, representation and support are always close at hand.