

LDV 的基本原理是,利用运动颗粒对入射光产生的多普勒频移效应测. 测速仪(LDV)的测量精度和应用受到光电探测器、环境状况、频谱加宽和信号处理等因素影响。其中LDV是利用激光多普. 勒效应测速的仪器, 其最大优点是非接触性、不干扰流场、有较高的。LDV能够精确地测量出固体表面运动速度,但要求被测固体的表面粗糙度在一定范围内,而且这个范围由条纹间距和有效探测体宽度决定。
See more wi th les s l ight Lighting systems for inspecting high quality surfaces LDV-Systeme GmbH LDV-Systeme GmbH was founded in 1999 and is a specialist in the pro- duction of non-contact systems for length and speed measurement. The main ! eld of application is the steel and aluminium industry. Existing systems are produced and developed in their own develop- ment and production depart- ment. With a global distribution network, many years of experience and highly-quali! ed employees, LDV has earned its leading position in the marketplace. Besides its own products, LDV mar- kets thickness gauges through its cooperation with Mesacon Mess- Technologies for inspecting surfaces from LDV-Systeme GmbH elelektronik GmbH in Dresden and for Shapeline AB in Link?ping, Sweden, their optical # atness measurement systems. Thus, in the area of non-contact measurement technology, LDV is in a position to o$ er its customers solutions in the form of a one-stop shop. With the assumption of products and the patents associated with them from VH Lichttechnische Spezialger?te GmbH in August 2008, LDV has strategically ex- panded its product portfolio even more. The patented light systems en- able quicker and much clearer LDV headquarters in Lünen detection of surface defects through the e$ ective use of the light as a working appliance. The products for visual surface inspection are integrated under the name iLux lighting systems as their own business segment in LDV-Systeme GmbH. LDV-Systeme GmbH supplies non-contact systems for ? speed and length measurement ? thickness measurement ? optical # atness measurement ? visual surface inspection Light Light sails? The eyes and the human visual system have an e ectiveness and adaptability that cannot be matched by any technology. Both in the light and in the dark, the human vision adjusts to the light conditions and achieves amazing detection capability. The inspection areas, which are often brightly illuminated with a large number of ? uorescent tubes, make fatigue-proof sur- face inspection di? cult for ob- servers. The light intensity on many inspection workstations is measured between 2000 and 5000 lux. Too brighter light causes stress The employee carrying out the inspection is not forced to scan the surface with his eyes point by point. With the aid of the iLux lighting systems, concentrated working is possible over a long period. iLux lighting systems iLux lighting systems for inspecting industrial surfaces Strip inspection in the metal industry Directed light is anti-glare to the eyes of humans and leads them to fatigue more quickly. By using the iLux lighting sys- tems, light intensity is reduced to between 470 and 980 lux. This increases the visual capa- bilities of the person by more than 30 %. See more with less light By means of double de? ection, iLux lighting systems creates indi- rect light. The patented light sails? direct the light almost parallel to the surface to be examined. So defects obtain a well-recog- nised structure and are clearly visible to an inspector. The freedom from defects from the surface of strip metal is a crucial attribute. It is a key function when it comes to quality and cost reduction. After all, consequential costs which are caused by surface defects can drastically in uence the pro? tabi- lity of a production area. In order to guarantee that the in- Areas of application Metal industry: Quicker and better defect detection with iLux lighting systems spectors do not miss any surface defects, many fabricators of sheet and strip metal make the lighting as bright as possible. The good re ectivity of strips and sheets made from stainless steel, aluminium or plastic makes it di! - cult to recognise any surface de- fects during production. Glare-free light The inspector usually only detects re ections on the material with a light that is too bright, it is dazzling and can lead to non-recognition of critical defects (e. g. grooves, hol- lows etc). The patented iLux lighting system makes defects visible. Through the special technology of light sails?, the light is directed al- most parallel away from the inspec- tor directed towards the object be- ing examined. Thus, the inspector is not blinded, works with optimal light intensity and identi? es sur- face defects which could not be seen before. iLux in combination with automatic inspection systems Especially with high speed strips, automatic systems are often pre- ferred to the human eye to detect surface defects. With the aid of the iLux lighting systems during the visual inspec- tion, an experienced inspector can classify the defect found after- wards and make a decision about the next step. Vertical strip inspection Characteristic reexions of defects on Inclusion Structural defects Glass Metal / glass / varnish Dent Scratch The automotive industry and its suppliers face particular challenges when inspecting surfaces. Owing to lack of space on production lines, the visual inspection of sur- faces is often only possible from one side. Undercuts remain in the dark and defect detection appears almost futile. Only expensive mo- di cations could bring about a solution until now. Directed light is controllable iLux lighting systems make it possible to de! ect the light without losing light intensity. Use of de! ection re! ectors (see illustration) and a mirror system make the seemingly impossible, possible. By means of high light inten- sity of the metal halide lamp and the parallel direction of the beams of light, moulded com- ponents like e. g. doors or wings are illuminated from several directions. The inspector can examine the front and back of the object to be examined for defects easily and quickly from one observation point. Automotive industry: Examine the front and back at the same time with iLux Inspection at a press line of the automotive industry iLux de! ection re! ector surfaces defects Cords / drops varnish Lacquered surfaces Knob iLux lighting systems likewise sup- port visual surface inspection of in- dividual parts. This can range from surgical instruments up to inspec- tion of glass pots from quartz pro- duction. Layout of inspection points In cooperation with the QM depart- ment and the inspector, worksta- tions can be individually equipped with iLux lighting systems. With the ! exible design of light sails?, there is an unlimited range of applications. The individual constructions are based on three standard systems which di# eren- tiate themselves as regards re- quirements and the surface to be illuminated. ? mini ? compact ? maxi Thus, iLux lighting systems can be ! exibly integrated into the most varied of environments, e. g., and as a complete clean room system. Roller inspection The range of iLux lighting system products is rounded o# with the roller inspection thus, another ap- plication problem of surface in- spection is solved. When maintaining and preparing rollers, during the inspection and after the grinding process, Design of ergonomic inspection workstations for inspection of individual parts Inspection of individual components special demands are made on the lighting. With conventional lighting, the curved, metallic, shiny surface of the rollers reduces the illuminated surface to narrow, very bright strips. Defect detection by inspectors is thereby only possible with di$ - culty. For roller inspection, two iLux mini standard systems are combined. The rollers to be examined are illuminated glare-free and will en- able simpli% ed and rapid defect detection. Areas of application Roller inspection in the iLux showroom The detection capability of the person during visual surface in- spection with lower light energy and with dark adapted eyes is considerably higher than with brighter lighting. The lighting which is adjusted to the eyes with indirect, almost parallel light enables reliable, glare-free defect detection and high ergonomics of the inspection workstations. iLux lighting systems create optimal conditions for visual sur- face inspection and thus e ectively improve the cost-bene? t ratio for 100% inspection results for their end products. Consequential costs through complaints or returns of end products can thus be avoided. Surface inspections: Only the person inspecting can make judgement Less light – better results Properties of the iLux systems ? Constant illumination of the surface ? Adjusted light intensity ? Simultaneous examination of several aspects at once ? Ergonomic, optically designed inspection workstations E! ects of iLux for the inspection ? Glare-free surface inspection ? Rapid defect detection ? Gentle on the eyes for the inspector ? Longer inspection cycles by using a fatigue-proof light Advantages for the company ? Optimisation of inspection results ? Energy saving ? Cost reduction by reducing complaints ? Reduction of the time factor per inspection procedure iLux light sails? and lighting element by LDV-Systeme GmbH An der Wethmarheide 36 D-44536 Lünen