德国RESATRON编码器,是一种通过光电转换将输出轴上的机械几何位移量转换成脉冲或数字量的传感器。这是目前应用最多的传感器,德国RESATRON编码器是由光栅盘和光电检测装置组成。光栅盘是在一定直径的圆板上等分地开通若干个长方形孔。由于德国RESATRON编码器与电动机同轴,电动机旋转时,光栅盘与电动机同速旋转,经发光二极管等电子元件组成的检测装置检测输出若干脉冲信号,其原理:通过计算每秒光电编码器输出脉冲的个数就能反映当前电动机的转速。此外,为判断旋转方向. 编码器具备良好的使用性能,在角度测量、位移测量时抗干扰能力很强,并具有稳定可靠的输出脉冲信号,且该脉冲信号经计数后可得到被测量的数字信号。因此,我们在研制汽车驾驶模拟器时,对方向盘旋转角度的测量选用EPC-755A光电编码器作为传感器,其输出电路选用集电极开路型,输出分辨率选用360个脉冲/圈,考虑到汽车方向盘转动是双向的,既可顺时针旋转,也可逆时针旋转,需要对编码器的输出信号鉴相后才能计数。德国RESATRON编码器实际使用的鉴相与双向计数电路,鉴相电路用1个D触发器和2个与非门组成,计数电路用3片74LS193组成。 型号列举:RSP02 58-13+12-3-B-W1-DS、RSW10、RSW10+RSP02 58-13+12-3-B-W1-DS、RSW30-、RSW20-、210704764、RSC 58-13+12-P-3-W1-US、RSB 58C 13+12-3-4-CAN-W1N-DS、RSP02 58DP+R5W、RS-BSK 411660、RSR58-、RSG10C-、RSG10C-13+12-P-3-V1-2SS、RSG10-、RSG10R-、RSG10R-10000-Y-3-S-V1-SS、RSG10T-、RSG10T13+1-G-V1-SS-H、RSM58-、RSM58-13+12-G-3-V6-RSG……
We offer quality and longevity ReSatron offers a rather broad product line of standard angle encoders and a vast amount of accessories, providing easy operation for the majority of possible applications. Our emphasis is on quality and longevity. Each encoder leaving our facility has been subjected to a careful testing procedure where we test each item individually rather than in series. The knowledge we thus obtain is fed back into our encoder program as soon as possible, helping us achieve our final goal: Install it, and forget it. Out encoders are partially equipped with self-monitoring devices, but external monitoring is offered for incremental angle encoders. Self-monitoring will assist installation and maintenance personnel to recognize possible malfunction immediately. It is no longer acceptable today that a production facility is shut down for hours because maintenance personnel has no opportunity to take measurements off the encoder to assist him in locating the error source. This is particularly true for complicated bus systems. It is also completely unacceptable to replace components like angle decoders on suspicious grounds only. Furthermore, we manufacture heavy-duty industrial versions which were developed for applications under the most severe conditions. These encoders can be either heated or cooled. Double and triple encoders are standard issue today. To us, shock resistance up to 200 G is self understood. We use only top-quality materials (V4A 1.4571). We also develop encoders according to your specifications, unless prohibitively expensive under economic considerations. Certain encoder processes, as specified by you, can be implemented through software. We can also secure such design and know-how exclusively for you. Specials shafts, such as tongue & groove according to DIN 6885, have been implemented. Mechanical adjustments represent no problem for us. We also have the capabilities to deliver special flange attachments and mechanical accessories, per your instructions. Additions, alterations, bus integration, and commissioning are available from us as well, jointly with a multi-year partner. One thing that will never happen to you with us – that we hand you an encoder, and leave you standing in the rain while holding it. On case of technical problems, we are there for you.