PARVEX电机属于法国PARKER 集团 SSD驱动 旗下,PARVEX公司提供全系列的电机及驱动器 PARVEX产品主要包括以下六大部分: BRUSHLESS SERVO MOTORS 无刷伺服电机 NX 系列 扭矩范围0.45—6NM 230V和400V电源 设计结构紧凑,功效强大,符合POSIVEX标准,经过 UL认证; HV 系列,功率从4到50KW,转速可达8000RPM,低转速可以达到高扭矩, HW系列,功率从2到110KW,永磁冷转子技术,在恒定功率下功率可达50000RPM, LS-HS系列 扭矩从7到31NM,电压支持230V或400V,铁氧体永磁体,LX-HX系列 扭矩从6.7到320NM, 电压支持230V或400V,低惯性结构,稀土永磁体, TORQUE MOTORS 力矩电机 TK和TM系列,扭 矩范围10到7500NM,SPINDLE MOTORS轴承电机 ATEX SERVO MOTORS 防爆伺服电机-EX系列 符合ATEX 94/9/CE标准,结构紧凑,尤其适合涂料及油 漆喷涂,高动力水平,内置解析器无需另配编码器,维护成本低。有230V和400V两种供电电压。 DC SERVO MOTORS 直流伺服电机AXEM系列 扭矩0.1—20NM,磁盘式,低转子转动惯量,适合低速 需求;RX系列 扭矩0.3—8NM, 性价比高,铁氧体磁铁,使用寿命长;RS系列 扭矩0.05—13NM,4-POLE 设计,高精密度;RTS系列驱动器 电流3—40A, 有电池式,单相和三相可选。 型号:DSD、DSD13M02、DPD、220049R、283672R、LX、LX320、F9M4R 57346、F9M4H57366、F9M4H57336、F9M4H57343、F12M257333、F12M2-、F12M4H-、F12M4A8418、220005P、NX620-、LX440-、LX420-、LX410CUR00013、LX430、RX-、RX120-、RX120L1207、RX320-、RS-、RS120-、RS240-、RS240BR1041、RS108-、RS130-、RS130ER5011、RS330E-、RS330ER5000、RS430H-、RS440G-、RS440GR1165、RS420J-、RS510L-、RS530F-、RST-、MD-、MC-、MC27-、MC13-、MC17HR0025、MC17-、MC19-、MC24P-、MD15H-、T4C3B-、T5F4C-、T4F2B-、TBN-、TBN206R-、TBN203R1000、TBN420R-、TBN207R-、RE-、RE230C-、HX-、HX420C-、LC-、LC820Z-、LC630Z-、LD-、LD825E-、CB-、CB102S-、HX650C-、HX840V等。
Welcome to Parker SSD Parvex Parker SSD Parvex offers you a complete range of motors and drives in the technology the most adapted to your requirements : ? Brushless servo motors ? Torque motors ? Spindle motors ? ATEX servo motors ? DC servo motors ? Servo drives
SSD Parvex is an industry leading manufacturer of AC, DC and Servo drives and motors since 1948. We are renowned for our wide range of reliable, innovative products, extensive application experience and global support. In August 2005, SSD Drives joined the Parker group. With annual sales exceeding $8 billion, Parker Hannifin is the world's leading diversified manufacturer of motion and control technologies and systems, providing precision-engineered solutions. The company employs more than 50,000 people in 46 countries around the world. read more... SSD Parvex offers a complete line of the world’s most advanced AC, DC, and servo drives and motors. These products bring the right mix of features and functionality that were developed from over three and a half decades of worldwide industry experience.