德国FRAKO电容器、FRAKO电容。 德国FRAKO电力电容器(Frako Capacitor )包括FRAKO移相电容器、FRAKO电热电容器、FRAKO均压电容器、FRAKO藕合电容器、FRAKO脉冲电容器等。FRAKO移相电容器主要用于补偿无功功率,以提高系统的功率因数;FRAKO电热电容器主要用于提高中频电力系统的功率因数;FRAKO均压电容器一般并联在断路器的断口上作均压用;FRAKO藕合电容器主要用于电力送电线路的通信、测量、控制、保护;FRAKO脉冲电容器主要用于脉冲电路及直流高压整流滤波。FRAKO电容器、FRAKO电容 德国FRAKO电容器在交流电压作用下能“发”无功电力(电容电流),如果把FRAKO电容器并接在负荷(如电动机)或供电设备(如变压器)上运行,那么,负荷或供电设备要“吸收”的无功电力正好由电容器“发出”的无功电力供给,这就是并联补偿。并联补偿减少了线路能量损耗,可改善电压质量,提高功率因数,提高系统供电能力。也可以把FRAKO电容器串联在线路上,补偿线路电抗,改变线路参数,这就是串联补偿。串联补偿可以减少线路电压损失,提高线路末端电压水平,减少电网的功率损失和电能损失,提高输电能力。
Ever since its inception in 1928 FRAKO (FRAnkfurter KOndensatorenfabrik GmbH) has maintained a technological lead. We have operated from our site at Teningen in southwest Germany since 1932. In the early days FRAKO manufactured paper capacitors for the fledgling radio industry. We extended our product range in the late 1940s to include power capacitors. Back in 1976 FRAKO launched the first metallized polypropylene film capacitors onto the market. In the intervening decades an immense wealth of experience has been accumulated with this low-loss MKP design. Today this experience forms the basis for our worldwide technological lead in power capacitors. Our specialized skills lie in understanding the complex interplay of the physical, chemical and electrical factors involved. It is precisely this knowledge base that creates the special 'alchemy' of FRAKO capacitors: heavy-duty units with minimum failure rates, capable of serving their turn for well over a decade even in power networks seriously polluted with harmonics. Our energy management systems can help any business to reduce its operating costs by metering, documenting and visualizing the consumption of utilities. Our instruments, systems and software optimize power consumption by providing information and responding intelligently. A must for every up-to-date industrial or commercial facility. Company presentation of FRAKO