
德国DUSTERLOH Fluidtechnik是一家具有百年历史的气动马达与液压马达制造商,产品广泛使用于各种工业行业.
Type series RM250X - RM900X Precision drives with constant displacement Vg = 255 cm2/rev - 904 cm3/rev motor type Dis- place- ment average specific Torque Per-ma- nent pres- sure max. Oper- ating pres- sure Speed range Per-ma- nent Capa- city max. Capa- city Weight cm3/rev Nm/bar bar bar min-1 kW kW kg RM250X 255 3,74 250 315 5-600 28,0 35,0 75,0 RM355X 359 5,26 250 315 5-550 36,0 45,0 75,0 RM450X 442 6,47 250 315 5-500 40,0 50,0 75,0 RM500X 491 7,19 250 315 5-450 40,0 50,0 75,0 Versions with gears + brakes Catalog (PDF) Spare parts list (PDF) Repair manual (PDF) motor type Dis- place- ment average specific Torque Per-ma- nent pres- sure max. Oper- ating pres- sure Speed range Per-ma- nent Capa- city max. Capa- city Weight cm3/rev Nm/bar bar bar min-1 kW kW kg RM710X 704 10,3 250 315 5-500 63,0 80,0 132,0 RM900X 904 13,2 250 315 5-450 63,0 80,0 132,0 Versions with gears + brakes Catalog (PDF) Spare parts list (PDF) Repair manual (PDF) General points Range summary AE10 - AE45 KM11 - KM110 RM80N - RM250N RM250X - RM900X RM1000X - RM5000X Gears + brakes Flow distributors Accessories Documentation Online inquiry ? Düsterloh GmbH & Movingelements GMBH HTML, CSS und Typo3: OLIGOFORM.com - Web · Design · Entwicklung und gute Beratung |